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Create task from a request

Ricardo Gonzalez July 27, 2018

I need to include create task vs sub-task from Request form, check the attachmenttask.PNG

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Jack Brickey
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July 27, 2018

@Ricardo Gonzalez, i'm a bit confused. You don't create a task of a task. If you want a task you create a new issue and if you want to you can link to the other task. The purpose of the Create sub-task is that it creates an issue under the current issue so you have a parent-child relationship. I suspect you realize this and there in lies my confusion. 

Ricardo Gonzalez July 27, 2018

I want to create task from a request (issue type=request). My main ticket is a request and my child ticket are the task tickets

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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July 27, 2018

you cannot do that. any issue that is a child of a parent is by its very nature a 'sub-task'. You could create a new issue type and maybe call it something like Task1 and make it a sub-task type but it is still a sub-task. Why do you want the child to be a "Task" specifically? What properties does the "Task" issue have that is different from Sub-task. Maybe you simply need to change the properties of "Sub-task".

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