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SCRUM Board: Drag and drop form backlog to version

Maciej Błasiak
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November 22, 2017

I have problem with 'drag and drop' functionality on scrum board. I'm in backlog and I using 'drag and drop' task to version a task is added correctly. But when I'm open 'Release' card on board and next click a version name there are not any previously added issues. I attached images.

Maciej Błasiak1.png2.PNG3.PNG

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 22, 2017

What happens if you start the sprint and move issues into in-progress?

Maciej Błasiak
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 22, 2017

I can use normally all issue operations on scrum board and I changed issue status in my version information nothing changed and version haven't any tasks.

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