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When emailing to a card, can Trello use the sender of the email as the user commenting

Mark Blackburn
I'm New Here
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November 8, 2017

We like to have email chains linked to Trello cards. So if we are corresponding with a customer, we'll add the "Email for this card" to the CC field of the email. However, if more than one Trello user at our company is replying to the chain, they need to keep changing the CC field to their "Email for this card".

Is there any way to get an "Email for this card" that isn't tied to a user and/or have Trello recognize a Trello user in the From: field of email as the user adding the comment to the card?

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Marta Galofre de Alos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 9, 2017

Hi Mark,

Marta here, from Trello Support.

I understand how that can feel cumbersome. Right now, I'm afraid there's not another solution to this than to manually change the card's email address. You could maybe try creating a new "generic" board member and grab that member's card email address. Then, type your name in the email when submitting your comment, or adding it on the signature. 

This being said, I'll share your interest in this with my team for their consideration

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Jared J. Wiese March 22, 2018

Matt (aka: Batman)


Hello Jared 

My name is Matt, I am a Trello Expert. 

When you open a card, there's a "Share and more" button. Click that and it will give you the "email to card" address. emailing to the card will add a comment 


Jared J. Wiese March 22, 2018

CC @Mark Blackburn @Marta Galofre de Alos

Matthew N
Rising Star
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March 22, 2018

@Jared J. Wiese- looks like this is separate topics.  Emailing into the link for the card will create a comment from whomever's link it is.  So if you share your email-to-card link with someone and they send an email, it will appear as if you emailed the comment.

Jared J. Wiese March 22, 2018

Thanks for clarifying!

Rafael Corvalan
I'm New Here
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May 23, 2018

I understand the constraint of not adding the sender as the comment author.

What about then just adding the sender "display name" and e-mail address in the comment itself?

The comment would then look like:

**E-mail Subject**
From: The display name <>
To: recipients of the e-mail

Body of the message

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Isaiah Taylor February 17, 2021

Hi, a simple addition like Rafael mentioned would be hugely beneficial to our workflow. Is this being worked on?

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Nicole Laing January 23, 2023

Can someone please share steps on how to change the email address that is shown in the Share Card section? It isn't my work email.

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