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Which modules or add-ons are included exactly in the Jira Trial?

Support Central
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October 5, 2017

I've been testing the JIRA trial for some time now for our organization, and our interest if growing fast. I was able to do a nice DEMO and a lot of testing thanks to the trial, but I was wondering exactly what packages are part of that trial version that will not be available from the Jira Service Desk straight "from the box"?  Which features are included at the base, and which ones are not ?

We have a business case pricing estimates for JIRA, JIRA Service Desk and Insight, but I am not sure these actually included all of the amazing features that are in the trial.  Can anybody help me digging this out?



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Peter DeWitt
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October 5, 2017


@Support Central, did you install the Jira version you are testing?  If so, then what you see is what you get.  Without knowing what cool features you are talking about, I would suggest heading over to your user-installed add-ons page and disabling any add-ons that you / or someone else has installed.  Then go back and test the features.  If they remain, they are apart of Jira.  If they disappear, then they were added by one of the add-ons.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 5, 2017

The trial software is not really a trial.  It's the software in full.  The trial is simply "everything" with a licence that says "stop working after a trial period".  To move from a trial to a "full" version, you can just buy a licence and apply it.  Your trial/demo data will be untouched.

If you have trialled/demo'd Jira, JSD and Insight and like all three of them, buy their licences and paste the keys into your trial, and you've got a production system (although I'd strongly recommend moving it to production hardware and using a proper database etc)

Support Central
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 5, 2017

Thanks for the reply. Appreciated.

The real question is, what's included in that "everything". Too often we are showed stuff that looks absolutely fantastic, are suggested prices, and discover later in the process that all the features that were showed to us are additions and subject to additional costs.   That's basically my question. What's included, in these, that we would need to buy to have the same functionalities as in these trial accounts. I will spoke with my sale contact, of course, but was before wondering if anybody in the community had comments or informations about it. All these functionalities and features are looking way too awesome to be included in the "basic" version of JSD.

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