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Is there a way to customize the information that appears in the backlog?

Daisy Gaona September 26, 2017

Actually, in the backlog, I see the description of the issue, the issuekey and the estimated time, the priority and the assignee user. 

Is there a way that I could add columns that I need to see in order to manage the next sprint. 

I attached an image to show what I see now and the columns I want to add. 

customize information in the backlog.png

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Jack Brickey
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September 26, 2017

not as a column but you can display it. just go to the backlog, board settings and select Card Layout and then for Backlog add Story Points or whatever field you want. Note I'm on Cloud so if you are on Server your milage may vary. Example below...

story backlog.jpg

Jack Brickey
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September 27, 2017

@Daisy Gaona, have you had a chance to assess this further?

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Spencer Abrams
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October 9, 2017

I would love to see a column feature as well. Adding fields to the cards vertically makes each issue too tall, so you can't see as many items per page. Salesforce Agile Accelerator allows you to do this. Would love to see it in Jira.

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