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Autostart jira service (Debian Linux)

Manuela Schweizer July 30, 2017


i would like a service autostart to my jira on my debian server.

I must after restart it manual start with command line.


How can this automatical?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 30, 2017

It depends on what version or variant of Debian you're on, but to cover most

Check you've got some form of start/stop script - /etc/init.d/jira

Then, as root,

systemctl enable jira

If that gives you errors, then you might have more luck linking /etc/init.d/jira to /etc/rc3.d/jira

Manuela Schweizer July 31, 2017

Thanks :-)

The symlink was to /etc/rc3.d/S01jira


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