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Percent Done or quantity of issues done that are related to an Epic/Theme.

fabio marcelo October 24, 2013

Hi all,

I need to have the information about the % done or quantity of issues done that are related to an Epic/Theme, but this information needs to be inside the Epic Issue through a Custom Field.

How could I solve this?

Note: My Jira is version 4.4.5.

Thanks in Advance

Best Regards


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November 17, 2017


Did you ever get an answer to this question? 

The report is only there for scrum boards. EPICS are not in scrum board so I still want to in a simple push of a button get a report with all my epics and the current % done on them.



Chris Orr
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December 20, 2017

Hi Jessica, Fabio,

were you able to find a solution?  I would like to do exactly what Jessica described and export to excel.



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Rahul Aich [Nagra]
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October 29, 2013

Hi Fabio

Which greenhopper version you are using?. I know for sure that greenhopper version 6.1 displays the burndown of epics on the plan board.

You can actually burndown epics either on story points or on original estimate provided and stories within epics burndown discontineously when stories are moved to the Done column of the board.

Also did you look at the epic report on the report mode? Even that givesyou vital progress information on your epics.


Paula Cruickshank May 15, 2018

Hi whilst I like the Epic burndown what I actually need is a report which shows all the Epics in a list with the % completed next to them,

Obviously I can pull a report into Excel but I would like to have it on a dashboard

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