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Where is the data stored for the Burndown Chart

Brian Cummings April 13, 2016

I have been asked to create a BI dashboard that shows the same information that is on an individual sprint burndown chart across many sprints.  I need to know where the information (Date, Issue, Event Type, Event Detail, and Story points) that is displayed on the "Burndown Chart" in the Scrum reports section is stored or how it is calculated.  I have read many posts of people trying to do the same thing, but no answers.  Can anyone tell me where this data is stored?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 13, 2016

I think it's dynamically being generated from a simple JIRA query on what Stories are included on a given Sprint (instead of being stored in a database). I'm not 100% sure on this but I think this is the most efficient way. So to create your own (plugin or not), you just have to get the JIRA issues and all its data on a Sprint and do your magic there.

Brian Cummings April 14, 2016

I suspected as much since I could not find the data in the database anywhere.  The only field that I am having a hard time finding the date that the stories are being assigned to the sprints.  If you have any insight on what table that is stored in, I think I can generate the report that I need.

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 15, 2016

I think you can parse that in the Issue History itself.

Brian Cummings April 16, 2016

I will give it a go.  Thanks!

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 18, 2016

Let us know how it goes! 

Dan Sitarski April 22, 2016

Any luck on finding the Burndown Chart data in JIRA?  I'm also looking into using the data in a BI cube and would appreciate any information you may have found.

Brian Cummings April 22, 2016

I haven't had much time to work on it, but it sounds like it is going to be painful.  We will have to traverse the history for adds and removes to sprints and build business logic on whether to count a story in a sprint based on the transactions.  I will probably have something by then end of next month.

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