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Re-ordering the status column

Mark P.
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August 26, 2015

I am doing a two dimension report and the status field needs to be placed in a logical order to show progression.

project = ATL AND Team in (Team4) AND sprint in (openSprints()) AND status not in (Closed, "UAT READY", "QA Complete") AND type in (standardIssueTypes()) AND type not in (story, improvement)

My output shows the following:

OpenIn ProgressReopenedQA ReadyDev CompleteQA Ready 'On Hold'Dev Ready

I need the status to be open, in progress, dev ready, dev complete, qa ready, qa ready on hold, and reopened.

Can I change the order of the status columns?

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Natalie Hobson
Rising Star
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August 26, 2015

Hey Mark, I think this is based off the order as displayed if you look at Statuses in admin panel.  Can you go to Admin - Issues - Statuses and see if you can reorder the statuses there (hopefully your JIRA instance is in a version after this was implemented)?  This should change the display in the gadget.

Laura Napoli
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May 8, 2019

This is no longer working for me.  When I try to reorder, the order doesn't change at all. There really should be a way to order these based on workflow, not at the global level.  The jmeter suggestion below is not one I feel comfortable doing. Thank you.

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2 votes
Rodrigo November 13, 2018

Hi @Mark P.!


Yeah it's the Statuses global order you should tweak.

I just shared an article on reordering the statuses using JMeter:



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Mark P.
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 27, 2015


It worked. Thank you very much

Natalie Hobson
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 2, 2015

Awesome! You're welcome :)

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