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How to enable markup in in stash plugin

anorakgirl May 22, 2013

We have a simple velocity template, and would like to include a paragraph of text which contains a little bit of markup (e.g. <strong> tags around single words within the paragraph.). Using $i18n.getText, the htmk is rendered to the page as text. Is it possible to enable markup? It doesn't make sense to break the paragraph down into smaller properties with the html in the velocity template, as the word order could be different in different langages.

The property is something like this:

myplugin.admin.description=The variables <em>{0}</em> and <em>{1}<\em> may be used to substitute the ...


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jhinch _Atlassian_
Atlassian Team
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May 23, 2013

Velocity is set to autoescape all output unless the variable name as a Html suffix. You should be able to set the contents of the i18n.getText to a variable and then output it.

for example

#set($messageHtml = $i18n.getText('my.i18n.key'))$messageHtml

anorakgirl May 28, 2013

Thanks for the answer!

1 vote
David Pinn
Rising Star
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May 23, 2013

Have you considered using Closure Templates, aka Soy Templates, as an alternative to Velocity? Stash uses Soy Templates internally, and incorporates nice support for i18n within templates via the stash_i18n macro.

anorakgirl May 28, 2013

Thanks for the suggestion, will try this when I get a chance.

Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 31, 2013

Nice out of the box good answer mate! #like #lots

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