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JSON format for Creating JIRA Issue with Attachment using REST

Eswaran R August 26, 2015

Hi All,


I want to Integrate JIRA with third party application. I can create JIRA issue successfully without any attachment by using following JSON.

{ "fields": { "project": { "id": "10000" }, "summary": "No REST for the Wicked.", "description": "Creating of an issue using ids for projects and issue types using the REST API", "issuetype": { "id": "3" } } }

Third party application simply post the JSON to JIRA and its creates the Issue. I want to know JSON format for create issue with attachment.

Note : Am not using CURL. Only posting JSON data from third party application which supports REST API to JIRA.




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Danut M _StonikByte_
Rising Star
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February 15, 2019

The attachments API method does not support JSON. It expects a multipart post.


I managed to use it with PostMan.

Header must contain:

Content-Type: multipart/form-data

X-Atlassian-Token: no-check 


Body must be of type "form-data" and must contain a key named "file" with value a specified file (I had to use the file picker, see the picture).


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Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 27, 2015

Similar question has been posted in Since REST does not care what do you use to communicate with it as long as it is properly formatted, it will always work.

Eswaran R August 27, 2015

Hi Gabrielle, Thanks for your reply. But the third party application will accept only JSON input to perform JIRA operation. I can create Issue in JIRA by passing above JSON in that third party application. likewise, Is there any JSON format to attach a file in JIRA?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 28, 2015

Yes, take a look at this documentation. It's as simple as the command below. No JSON body needed curl -D- -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "file=@myfile.txt" http://myhost/rest/api/2/issue/TEST-123/attachments

Eswaran R September 1, 2015

Hi Gabrielle,

        For testing purpose, am using Chrome Extension  "Insomnia" which is used to call the REST service. 




Here, Body and Params both are empty. Why am getting 415-Unsupported Media Type Error ? Where should I include the file=@filename.txt option here?

Yuvraj Kale
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July 5, 2017

Hi Eswaran,

Did you solved this issue using JSON format? I am facing similar issue in my project. Please help me here to upload attachement with JSON format. Currently i am developing this with node.js 

Thanks is advance.

Eric Sacramento
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April 27, 2018

I need the same solution. I am using Oracle Apex. It would be easier using just the JSON format instead of curl command.

Thank you

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