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JIRA REST Client for .NET, collaboration

Mike Jansen November 9, 2011

I started a very basic JIRA REST Client for .NET and have it hosted on BitBucket and NuGet. My main motivation for starting the project was that I needed to access issue labels from C# and JIRA SOAP doesn't support that.

Like I said, it is very basic but "designed" (if you call 5 minutes of thought "design") to be extended fairly easily. It only supports the main fields I needed and it's all read-only currently. Pretty much you can get an issue and straight-away get it's key, summary, labels, and parent issue. Adding additional fields should be trivial for the most part by following the example of the existing fields.

It would be really cool some day to integrate this with Federico Silva Armas's Atlassian .NET SDK since his work is more thorough and has awesome LINQ support. It is currently SOAP-based, which is where the limitations come in.

If you're wanting to collaborate on any of this, let me know!



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Joe Clark
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 10, 2011

Awesome stuff! I agree it would be great to ship the REST client and the LINQ provider as a single NuGet package. If you get to a stage where you're happy with it, I can put you in touch with Federico to see if we can merge the two projects together.

Mike Jansen November 27, 2011

I have forked Federico's project and am currently getting familiar with it. I'm thinking it's going to be easier to take the basic stuff I've done and merge it into his project than to develop this one further. Just getting a grasp now on where all the SOAP interactions are done and trying to see if there is a clean way to cut over to REST or abstract it a bit so that either SOAP or REST can be used.

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Erik Felton
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June 5, 2012

Hello Mike,

I am extending your project to add support for "sub-tasks" and "linked issues".

What is the best way for me to share my code with you?

Joe Clark
Atlassian Team
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June 6, 2012

You should fork the project on Bitbucket and when you are done, create a pull request so that Mike can merge your changes back into his repository -

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 9, 2011

Good stuff, Mike. I'm not a C# dude so not sure I can help you, but will be following the progress. I'm trying to keep track of all the JIRA REST clients out there. Thanks for working on this!

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Ken Lassesen
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For an alternative approach which is rich in functionality and sparse for code (with very little overhead for evolution).



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David Bevin February 16, 2014

Hi Ron,

It's not currently possible to retrieve a list of all possible values for a custom field, but it's something I could look to add (or someone else could do as a pull request).

The API for the library follows Atlassian's Java version, as described here: here:

I'll certainly look to add more examples to make it easier to use.

Sangram Pradhan June 15, 2014

Hi David,

I want to read data from Jira. How can i achieve that. Do you have documents to follow.

Sangram Pradhan June 17, 2014

Hi David,

It worked for me but one issue i am facing is, getting data is too slow. i am retriving few data, which takes 44sec. can it be reduced?

David Bevin June 18, 2014

Hi Sangram,

I saw similar problems with performance on one JIRA instance but this was due to a problem with the PostgreSQL database connection configuration on the JIRA server itself.

Before you go off to Atlassian support to diagnose that issue, try using Basic Auth connection (in case you're using Session Auth):


Hope that helps.


Anil Punnam
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July 14, 2015

Hi David, I am using JIRC and its working great. I have a question. Can we get all bugs in a project using this from JIRA. If yes, could you please point me the method to use. Thanks, Anil

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Deleted user February 2, 2014

Hi David, I downloaded the Jira-Rest client for .Net, and it really looks like a good framework. As I'm not very familiar with LINQ, I'm still strugling with usage of this framework. Some extra examples would be really helpfull. From a functional perpective, I'm searching for a way to retrieve the possible values of a custom field. Any help would be welcome!

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David Bevin September 27, 2013

As promised, I've open-sourced the .NET REST client that I've written here:

It's still a work in progress (isn't all software) but it's almost at the same level of functionality as the Java version. I think the only thing missing is Attachment handling... but I'm working on that.

So, go on... fork me.

Rising Star
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September 27, 2013

I could add this to the list of clients for each language if someone could find it in the Atlassian documentation for me. Perhaps there's no such page yet?

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David Bevin September 15, 2013


I know this is an old thread... but I've almost completed a full .NET (C#) REST client for JIRA. I've tried to keep it as close to Atlassian's Java based client as possible.

I'll be open-sourcing (on Bitbucket) in a week or so and I'll post-back here when I do.



David Zahorsky September 26, 2013

i'd love to see that :)

Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 27, 2013

From the number of people who want this, I'd say that's a great idea. Personally I recommend the JIRA Python approach as being easier to use than the Java client

More info at

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M A August 13, 2012


u made excellent app, thanks! but one thing i got to add:

i was tryin to get parent issue via ur app, and discovered one thing: in ur code there are paths to parent issue id: fields, parent, value, issueId (or somth like that). so in new jira this code return null instead parent issue id. the solution is to fix paths, so they should look like: fields, parent, key (or Id, if u want).


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Mike Jansen July 22, 2012

Hi all,

I apologize for my absence on this. I started a new job back in December and am not actively working on JIRA as part of my day-to-day responsibilities. The workload of my new job along with some circumstances in my personal life have not left me much steam to continue work on this project.

If anyone continues this work, there is a new HttpClient (System.Net.Http) that is helpful for REST calls and JSON.NET is what the Microsoft Web API team is settling on for JSON handling.

I can definitely be available for some design thoughts / discussion on this but probably can't offer much in the realm of coding time. Skype (michael.a.jansen) or Google+ ( are decent ways to get in touch with me.



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Renjith Pillai
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November 27, 2011

One clarification, not related though, you mentioned that issue labels cannot be accessed from Jira via SOAP. In my understanding it is possible to get/set issue labels as it is a custom field.

Mike Jansen November 27, 2011

There is a standard issue field called "Labels". There is a custom field type "Label" which behaves like the "Labels" standard issue field. Both are stored in the "label" table in the database but the standard issue field "Labels" maps to FIELDID = NULL. I don't think you can access the standard issue field "Labels" via SOAP.

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