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Execute SQL in Plugin

Simon Martinelli August 18, 2014

I've built my own REST Plugin.

Now I need to execute a SQL query inside the plugin. How do I do that?

Thanks, Simon

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Rising Star
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August 18, 2014

That highly depends on database engine, but as an example - see for sql server

Simon Martinelli August 18, 2014


You mean there is no way to get the database connection trough the JIRA API?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 18, 2014

No, but you can use regular java methods.

Also please look into - but as for my experience - I've used external methods...

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 18, 2014
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 18, 2014

Good catch.

I think you need mostly

ComponentManager componentManager = ComponentManager.getInstance()
delegator = (DelegatorInterface) componentManager.getComponentInstanceOfType(DelegatorInterface.class)
String helperName = delegator.getGroupHelperName("default");

Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.getConnection(helperName);

and then use connection with regular java methods - no need to use the groovy ones.

Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 18, 2014

yeah, it was just an example of the relevant APIs. groovy.sql not available in java (of course).

1 vote
Marcin Urbański August 18, 2014

You could follow this tutorial The query will be inside REST module.

Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 18, 2014

How would it help? It uses standart jira API, not the sql query (jql query is not sql query)

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 18, 2014

Executing SQL directly in a plugin is a bad idea, you should try to use the API whereever possible.

Simon Martinelli August 18, 2014

I know but I need the worklog incl. remaining estimate from change history.

This can be done in one SQL statement. When using the API I will have the n+1 problem. So the API is not an option.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 18, 2014

What n+1 problem? Pulling worklogs from an issue is a standard function in the API.

SQL is slow and clunky and easy to break.

Simon Martinelli August 18, 2014

Using the API I must search for all Issues (1 query) then for every Issue I must get the History (n query).

For example if I get 1200 issues back using the API I will have 1201 queries and many objects created for no use.

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Simon Martinelli August 18, 2014

You mean there is no way to get the database connection trough the JIRA API?

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