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How to render HTML / wiki markup in Report description

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November 25, 2015


We switched to JIRA 6.3 and now when I browse the list of reports the HTML of the Report description is escaped.


I have found how to switch between HTML and Wiki Markup for the project description but not for reports.

In my case I have a homemade report created as a plugin. The HTML description is in a .properties and set in the atlassian-plugin.xml



<report key="reports" i18n-name-key="" name="JIRA Report" class="com.bnppa.jira.plugin.reports.BnppaReports">
        <description key="report.description"/>

report.description =* some * bullet \\ 3test \\ 4test <br/> back <ul><li> one </li> <li> two </li></ul>

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Volodymyr Krupach
Rising Star
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November 27, 2015

Hi Ulysse,

You are not supposed to put HTML tags into property files. Probably altassian added escaping for the project description retrieved from the properties. Just find appropriate wording for you report without HTML.

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
November 29, 2015

Hi, I totally agree with you, but unfortunately it’s not me who decide the content.

Volodymyr Krupach
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 29, 2015

You can not do it if it's Undo-able regardless of somebody decision :-).

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