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JIRA API getting commitment Story Points

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October 7, 2015

I'm trying to acess the JIRA REST API which has worked fine except for the fact that I can't get the info I want.

The JIRA Reports page with the velocity chart has information like 

Commitment and Completed Story Points for specific sprints.

Is there a way of acessing both of those for an issue or sprint?

My best bet so far is this:,status

This would return all issues with changelog and customfield is the story point value currently.

Now the real issue is running through the history, checking if the ticket is in the sprint or not. All that to get the actual Story Points of 1 sprint commited (so just before the sprint started)

I also tried only checking 1 specific issue, didn't help.

API browser was of no help sad


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Volodymyr Krupach
Rising Star
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October 7, 2015

You need to use JIRA Agile REST API rather then JIRA REST API.

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
October 7, 2015

Yeah I already tried that. There is no option for what I'm looking


Correction this:

throws back a java nullpointerexception

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