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There is no link to configure build expiry settings

Lee Myring August 7, 2014

I am getting multiple jars being copied because they exist in my bamboo on demand. I want to set expiration but all the articles refer to links that are not available in my bamboo ondemand UI.

How do I expire stuff in bamboo on demand???

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 7, 2014

Hi Lee,

As of Bamboo's update to 5.6 the options to manually set build expiry have been removed. My apologies that the documentation has fallen out of date. I've created an internal request to have those updated. As it stands now build expiry is automatically enforced with the following parameters:

  • Build and deployment expiry period of 30 days
  • Log files under 10Mb are kept regardless of expiry
  • Keep last version/build regardless of expiry



Lee Myring August 17, 2014

That's a real problem for us as we have new build artifacts that are getting deployed as we want them to expire every week not every 30 days....can artifact deletion be put back?

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 18, 2014

Hi Lee,

Just so I don't leave you hanging here. Currently there is no way to add these features back to the software. I'm recording this issue and presenting it to our development team to see if we can add the functionality back for y'all that want to expire artifacts more quickly than they are expired by default. I'll update you here once that's complete.



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January 16, 2015

Ah man. The documentation had me excited about the expiry features. It would be great if the documentation was updated. It would have saved the time I spent this morning developing my expiry plan and not being able to figure out how to implement it.

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