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submodules work on sourceTree when pulling from github, not bitbucket

abakhach December 12, 2012

this is driving me crazy..

so this is a git repo hosted on github that if pulled onto sourceTree, the submodules work like a charm:

however an exact copy of that repo on bitbucket

doesn't seem to be able to show the submodules in source tree.. the settings are all the same! (ie in both .gitmodules and .git/confing) any ideas?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 12, 2012

The .gitmodules file on the bitbucket repo refer to a dead link:

It looks to me like you moved the parent repo to Bitbucket but not the submodule repo, but you changed the submodule URL anyway, leading to a 404. You'll need to import your mailcore project into BB at that URL to resolve this.

abakhach December 12, 2012

i actually tried what you suggested earlier (see here, and i already have the mailcore repo hosted on BB ) but it still didn't work..

i think it may have to do with a case mismatch.. when i clone the repo it's called 'MailCore' but bitbucket makes it all lowercase.. i'm working on it..

abakhach December 12, 2012

i think i know what it is.. if i click on hosted repositories.. all my github repos show up fine.. but for some reason i can't access my bitbucket one.. if i add a bitbucket repo i get the dreaded 'bitbucket api call failed'.. i had the same problem when i was adding my github account.. but then updateding to the latest sourceTree version (1.5.6) solved the problem..

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 16, 2012

That error is usually a login issue, often it's something simple like case sensitivity on the user name.

I just tried to clone your repo again and the MailCore part worked fine, it couldn't get three20 though because I don't have access. So is this solved?

abakhach December 17, 2012

yes it is.. sorry for the late reply

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