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stash & bitbucket feature difference

Himanshu November 13, 2012

We are in process of evaluating stash vs bitbucket. What are the differences in features available b/w stash & bitbucket. i.e. How much is stash lagging behind bitbucket in terms of features? It seems like stash is a newer product and has significantly less features as compared to bitbucket. Is there s list some place?

2 answers

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jhinch _Atlassian_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 14, 2012

Stash is still young product, it was publicly release in May 2012. The currently released version of Stash (1.3) compared to what is currently available on Bitbucket share the following notable features:

  • Code hosting and repository management for Git which includes
    • HTTP smart protocol
    • SSH protocol
  • Pull requests within a repository between branches which includes
    • Inline code commenting
    • General commenting
    • Approving pull requests
  • Code browsing via web interface
    • Browser file tree on particular branch or tag
    • Commit history for repository or file
    • Viewing a changeset
  • Permissioning based on user and/or group membership

There are bound to be more in common but these are the ones which come to mind. Bitbucket and Stash have clear distinct markets which they are targeting, small teams and larger organisations. This leads to many additional features to separate them. Also due to Bitbucket being an older product is does have more features which the Stash team has not yet had the time to implement.

Some notable features unique to Bitbucket:

  • Graph in commits tab
  • Search in commits tab
  • Mercurial support
  • Deployment keys
  • Public repositories
  • Forks
  • Pull requests between forks
  • Team accounts

Some notable features unique to Stash:

  • Crowd and LDAP integration
  • Multiple database support (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle and MS SQL)
  • In-app database migration
  • Deep extensibility for custom plugins
  • Notion of a project as a way to structure repositories

Full disclosure, I'm a developer on the Stash team

3 votes
Fajar Suryawan May 1, 2013

I don't understand why Stash is not implementing the relevant features readily available in BitBucket. Like "Graph in Commit tab", for example. The code is there, the brains are there.

I'd suspect there's a marketing reason behind this.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 1, 2013

It's simply due to time and priorities. Code from Bitbucket cannot be transplanted into Stash as they are very different code bases (built in different languages on a different stack).

It has nothing to do with marketing.

Harry Chan
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 1, 2013

What upcoming new features can we expect for Stash?

psubudhi August 20, 2015

Do we have latest development in both : Does the following url still vaild now? If we have any update for both in latest, then please share.

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