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Bitbucket Wiki - List or line break in Markdown table

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September 21, 2016


Is it possible to add a list in the table cell in Bitbucket wiki?

I have tried

| xyzxyz | xyzxyz | *item1 *item2 |


| xyzxyz | xyzxyz | item1 <br/> item2 |

Both of them are not working.



2 answers

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 22, 2020

Hi, I used:

`line 1` `line 2`

as an alternative, but at least it breaks the lines in a cell

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Rising Star
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September 22, 2016

Hi Kadir,

Bitbucket markdown does support tables. See this page for an example.

David Chwalisz
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 27, 2017

As you state, Bitbucket Markdown does support tables. The specific feature, line breaks within a table item, is NOT supported, to my dismay. The OP asked if there was a way around them. I could not find that.

Looks like a result of HTML tags being ignored. It is very hard to format good documentation using tables without that feature. 

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