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Greenhopper boards show no issues

Rich Lowenberg October 24, 2012

I have about 8 issues logged on a project, assigned to me. In the agile boards (both scrum and kanban, I've tried with both), I get the message saying no issues are currently visible. If I create an issue, it tells me it was created but that my current filters hide it. But I don't seem to have any filters applied at all.

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?

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Rich Lowenberg November 9, 2012

The problem was that there was a work sub-filter on the board applied in configuration, saying only unreleased issues, or something like that. Ugh. I hope that at the end of the many weeks of back and forth, trying to configure this thing, we'll finally have something useful to us.

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April 16, 2013

I'm having this same issue now. I believe its because the sub-work filter added automatically (i can't edit it out) is wanting Fix Version to be EMPTY or unresolved(). But our Fix Version: None

My screenshots etc match the original poster.

4 votes
Woody Arnold
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November 6, 2012

You probably have unmapped statuses... Go to the columns tab under configure for your board. Drag the unmapped status into the to-do column.

Rich Lowenberg November 6, 2012

Thanks for the reply Woody - unfortunately that's not it I don't think. In the columns tab it actually lists issues that should be visible, and there's nothing unmapped. See screenshot: Any other ideas?

1 vote
Lisa Rahder July 30, 2013

This kind of problem usually has a simple, boring cause that can easily be overlooked.

In out case, we got this error because one of the board's filter field criteria was not being met, i.e., the filter was set to display issues from Version 2 of the Product, but we had not forced displayed the "Version" field in the Issue record. So everyone forgot to fill it in when they created a new issue, and the filter screened them out. We added the Version field, filled it in, and the issues appeared on the board as they should.

0 votes
Andrew Cohen July 1, 2014
One other possibility is that the admin has disabled the Sprint field from your priveleges. This just happened to us. You can check if it is disabled because if you go to the Issue Navigator and type in a custom JQL query, and try to include the field Sprint as a criteria, e.g. "AND Sprint = openSprint()", then you get the error saying you do not have permission to view Sprint field.
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April 16, 2013

Ah, i figured this out! You can edit the Sub-Work Filter by double clicking on it and it will turn into an edit box!

Ann Myers
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November 17, 2013

For those looking for this gem

go to

Filter Tab

The last option on the screen is "Work Sub-Filter" double click that value and TA DA!

Thanks Thomas for that tip!

0 votes
Rich Lowenberg November 6, 2012

Hi Atlassian, this problem is making the product impossible for us to use, and we'd really like to use it. Can you please look into it? I posted this question 2 weeks ago!

0 votes
Charles Swartz October 24, 2012

Each board has a search filter associated with it that you can view by going to Agile > Manage Boards and selecting your board. You need to edit this filter so that it includes the cases you want. You can search for issues using the simple search in Jira and then view/copy the exact query by switching to adnavced searching - this can be cut and pased in to the board search filter.

Rich Lowenberg October 29, 2012

Thanks for the answer Charles.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work - when I click on the filter associated with the board, I see all the issues: When I click on the board, it says 'no visible issues': I'm not applying any other filters as far as I know, and this happens in both scrum and kanban.

Thanks for the response though.

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