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Can hipchat messages sent from bitbucket be set as notifictions?

Michael Anthon October 15, 2014

The new hipchat integration in bitbucket is nice but the messages don't seem to be flagged as notifications which makes it almost pointless since you never see a new PR unless you regularly go into the channel to look for them (which really defeats the purpose of sending them to hipchat).

Is there a way to force these to be notifications?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 16, 2014

Yes, there is but it's for all event types and it is in the integration configuration page.

Michael Anthon October 22, 2014

I'm not seeing anything to do that.  The following image are the only options we see.  


The Hipchat API doco at says this


Whether this message should trigger a user notification (change the tab color, play a sound, notify mobile phones, etc). Each recipient's notification preferences are taken into account.

Defaults to false.

I'm fairly certain that the message is not being sent with notify set to true.

image2014-10-23 16:39:27.png

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 19, 2014

Hi Micheal, It seems that the new BitBucket integration doesn't allow you to set "loud" notifications. We have an improvement request open to address this matter and make the feature available.

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