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How to reliably automatically start a remote agent on Ubuntu 12.04 startup

Marion Douglas
I'm New Here
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June 5, 2014

I have a bamboo server running on Windows 7. I also have a Virtual Box instance of Ubuntu 12.04 where I would like to automatically start an agent on startup (without logging in). What is the best way of doing this?

Note that if I login as build_meister and start the agent, it works perfectly.

I tried a Startup Applications program with automatic login turned on for user build_meister. The agent is detected by the bamboo server, but dies when it tries to create a disk store (probably because it does not have access to where it wants to create it?)



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Andris Grinbergs
Rising Star
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June 5, 2014

try adding something like
su - build_meister -c "/bin/sh /path/to/agent/"
/etc/rc.local file

Marion Douglas
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 5, 2014

Thanks, Andris!

One thing missing is that I need to automatically enter the password. But your suggestion led me to this:

in /etc/rc.local

echo -e "<password>\n" | sudo -S -u build_meister "/usr/local/bin/"

(note the \n after the password)

... and in /usr/local/bin/

java -jar /usr/local/bin/atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-5.5.1.jar http://<ipaddress:port>/agentServer/

This works.

Thanks for the idea,


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