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Why can't I rank issues on my Kanban board?

Michael Sica (Partners Test Account) September 13, 2013

I just setup a very simple board and I can't drag the issues vertically. I've setup a ton of these boards, but this one won't let me rank for some reason. Here's the filter I'm using and the "Rank" section on the configure says, "Using Rank".

project = "Project Name" AND issuetype in standardIssueTypes() ORDER BY Rank ASC

What things should I check?

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Michael Sica (Partners Test Account) September 19, 2013

I contacted Atlassian support and they pointed me in the right direction. Apparently you need to have the "Schedule Issues" permission in order to rank issues on a Kanban board. (Which is NOT very user friendly.)

I gave myself that permission and it works.

Neal Dewing
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Thanks @Michael Sica (Partners Test Account)

Same problem and your solution did the trick.

0 votes
Damon Gaylor September 13, 2013

Weird, make sure the sorting is by rank (Filter tab). I don't know how to change it though.

Make sure you have permissions to change rank.

I assume you are on the Plan Board and not Work.

Can't think of anything else right now.

Michael Sica (Partners Test Account) September 15, 2013

Yes, it's sorted by rank. I can't find anything related to "permissions to change rank". (I'm an admin, so I can see all the screens/options.)

I'm on the "work" board, as this is a Kanban board. I have this working fine on other boards, but this is the first board I've created with this project.

I really don't know what else to check for...

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