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Can I add a custom field to indicate this story/initiative is overdue?

nessie.liu September 22, 2023

My request is I want to create a dashboard to monitor all the initiatives in my company and see if there's any is delayed, I can use this JQL(Duedate < now() and status !=done) to filter those "delayed" initiatives, can I custom a filed to indicate this status? Means this custom field can be defined by JQL

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Trudy Claspill
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September 22, 2023

Hello @nessie.liu 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Can you explain why you want to note an item is overdue using a custom field when you can get that list of issues already with the JQL statement?

You certainly can do what you want by using an Automation Rule to execute the JQL to find the issues and then set the custom field. But it seems like an unnecessary extra step.

nessie.liu September 24, 2023

Thanks for your prompt answer! Yes I also found that I can use Automation to set the field, the purpose of using custom field is I want to use Dashboard Pie Chart, Pie Chart is only allowed to use field to show the percentage and number.

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