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Signiture Attachments when sending email to card

David Wright August 30, 2023

Hi there,

Whenever I copy in a card email link to an email I also get all the attachments from everyones signiture.  It's very annoying having to delete 15 images everytime.

Is there a way to not send the attachments or easyway to delete them all from a card?

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Mutya A
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 31, 2023

Hi David,

Welcome to the Community! 

As of now, we don't have a way to delete multiple attachments at once. One at a time is all we have for now but I definitely agree that the ability to delete multiple attachments is super helpful.

If this helps, there is a feature request to have the ability to bulk delete attachments in a card and I've added your feedback to it — if there's any additional info or use case that you want to share as to why this feature is important, let me know and I'll pass your information to the relevant team.

There is a similar request in the community thread which you might find helpful: 

If this post helps your query, then please consider Accept answer to help the other users find it more quickly. 

David Wright September 5, 2023

Hi there,

What about creating a button to remove all attachments?

There's options already to remove several different items like the due date, emojis, checklists, stickers, labels, can you add attachments to that list?

Mutya A
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 5, 2023

Hi David, 

That's a great suggestion! I've added your feedback on the feature request as well. 


David Wright November 24, 2023

Hi There,

I couldn't find a link to this support page until after I submitted my request again.

What I just sent was this:

Hi there,
I'm sure I've already submitted a ticket for this but can't seem to find a login or area to view previous tickets.
My issues is that when I add the link into an email for a card so as to populate that card with the email being sent, it also adds all the email signiture attachments. And then, everytime I receive a reply, another load of the same attachments are added. As you can imagine, this can build up pretty quickly. I have one card now with 191 attachments and witin those are several pictures that I need, so have to troll through to find them.
As I'm sure you can appreciate, this is a ball ache to delete them. My request was to create a button to delete all attachements, or check box to select all, then unselect the pictures that you want to keep. Or, even smarter, delete all from incoming email, Or,,,,even smarter smarter, have the option to only opt in to add the attachements as and when they come in, Or.......Only joking. Can't do all your work!

All the best.


Has there been any movement on this feature request as it's a pain to repeatidly have to delete the signiture attachments from a card.  As said above, 1 card now has over 191 and they are pretty much all little signiture logo's

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 24, 2023

Hi @David Wright! We're still tracking our users' interest in this feature, but we don't have any new updates to share at this time. I appreciate your understanding and interest in having this feature on Trello. Thanks for your time! 

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