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More detailed calendar view for Jira Product Discovery

Jonas Schultens May 10, 2023

Hey together, 

in the Jira Product Discovery, we have a project and there the possibility to show the topics in the "plan view". Unfortunately the plan view/timeline view only has a view with the time period quarters and not more in detail .... is it possible to have a more detailed view with f.e. the months or weeks (or even days)? 

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Rohan Swami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 15, 2023

Hi @Jonas Schultens , we only support quarters at the moment, we'll keep this in mind for when we next make improvements to the timeline view.

Aateka Shashank
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May 18, 2023

Is there a way to perhaps keep the monthly/quarterly view but add week dates at the top so it's easier to follow along with the weeks?

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Esther Strom
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May 10, 2023

Hi, @Jonas Schultens - at this time, what you're asking isn't possible as far as I know. Product Discovery is designed to track ideas, not actual scheduled work, and therefore is displayed with a higher level view - roadmap is now, next, and later, for example. It's intended to help you determine, based on the impact vs effort value, if an idea is worth developing. If so, you link it to a development ticket (or more than one), which you can view in the Delivery view.


(I'm also going to move this ticket to the Product Discovery group; you may get a better explanation there.)

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