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Jira Service Desk Invite Customer via REST API

Pavel Klymenko
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March 16, 2016


Could you please let me know how I can invite a Customer to JIRA Service Desk via REST API?



3 answers

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Jon Hauge May 26, 2016

JIRA SD GUI simply post JSON to:

{Host}/rest/servicedesk/{Portal ID}/pages/people/customers/{Project KEY}/invite

so I guess it should be possible to do the same via script.

Andreyev Dias de Melo
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July 7, 2016

It works! You can use:

curl -fs -u "${JIRAUSER}:${JIRAPASS}" -X POST --data "{\"emails\":[\"${EMAIL}\"]}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "${JIRAURL}/rest/servicedesk/${PORTALID}/pages/people/customers/${PROJKEY}/invite"



Justin Riggio
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February 7, 2019

Is this still valid? I seem to be getting 404 errors

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Jeff Tillett
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March 21, 2016

We would like this as well. In fact, the ability to use this feature inside of the standard "Create" button on all JIRA screens would be even better, as we could then use our URL ticket creation script to invite customers.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 27, 2020

This worked for me:

curl -v -fs -u "{${JIRAUSER}:${JIRAPASS}" -X POST --data "{\"emails\":[\"${EMAIL}\"]}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "${JIRAURL}/rest/servicedesk/1/pages/people/customers/pagination/${PROJKEY}/invite"

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