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Is there a way in automation or workflow to set Activity start date when issue is moved 'InProgress"

Steve Josue January 19, 2023

In JIRA Data Center 9.1.0 is there a way in Automation or Workflow that when a ticket gets moved to a particular workflow state, that we can set a custom date field, 'activity start date' to the current system date?

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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January 19, 2023

@Steve Josue 

Hi Steve:

You have two options to accomplish this, please take a look below -

Option 1 - Customize your WF by adding a post function call to update the custom date field based on your criteria.  You may need additional paid add-ons for this type of WF customization which one can implement with little or no coding required


Option 2 - Create automation rule via Automation for Jira (this comes with your JSM subscription out of the box).  Where the rule can be triggered off by "Issue Transitioned" event + create condition (your criteria) and then conduct an Edit Issue action.  Here are the links for automation rules setup for your reference -  (This gives you the ability to reference issue's data for further customizations)

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Technology Applications Team

Steve Josue January 19, 2023

Thank you Joseph! so I have the rule built using your option 2. I have the transition step in place and want to set the current date to the "Activity Start Date' which I have up now, but it wants me to use the date picker? How can I simply set it to "current date?

Thank you!


Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 19, 2023

@Steve Josue -

Using smart value, you can use the following to reference current date -

Referencing the current date/time
You can reference the current date and time using {{now}}.

Here is additional reference on using Smart Value in your automation rule setup -

Best, Joseph

Steve Josue January 20, 2023

...And it works perfectly!!!!

thank you so much for helping solve this and also for the wealth of information you provided for me!!



Steve Josue

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