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Does migrating users from Server to Cloud notify them?

John McCarthy November 18, 2022

I am working on migrating to Bitbucket Cloud from Server using the Atlassian Migration Tool, at which point it will migrate all of my users. Will it email each one (such as upon manual cloud user creation) or will it migrate them silently?

My preference is that this is a silent operation but I have not seen any options or definitive documentation stating that it functions either way.

Thanks for the help!

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November 20, 2022

@John McCarthy from personal experience users don't get notified during a migration. However make sure to don't miss or overlook any of the prompts or popup windows that you may get during migration.

I tried to find an article, however this is the only video where I was able to see that there is no reference to users being notified about the migration:

I hope this helps.



John McCarthy November 22, 2022

@Fadoua Thank you!

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