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Pipeline left sidebar with details is hidden

Magdalena Polak July 11, 2022

The pipeline steps sidebar is hidden for me in this repo for Chrome. I don't recall if this should be customisable. After some debugging I see param data-is-fullscreen set to true. This is very annoying. Doesnt happen for me in the other browser or even in Chrome incognito. Not sure what could have an impact on it


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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 12, 2022

Hi Magdalena,

If the issue is not occurring in Chrome Incognito, it may be related to a Chrome extension that is disabled in Incognito.

Do you have any extensions installed in Chrome? If so, could you try disabling them one by one, and then do a hard refresh of that page to see if the issue still persists or not?

Kind regards,

Magdalena Polak July 13, 2022


Tried that, it didnt help. Also it happens only for pipelines in this repo. It's fine for other repos

Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2022

Hi @Magdalena Polak,

1. What version of Chrome are you using?

2. What operating system are you using and which version?

3. Can you ask some other users that have access to this repo if they can replicate the issue with the same version of Chrome on their machine?

I don't have access to your repos, so I would like to understand if the issue occurs for multiple users with Chrome for that specific repo or not.

Kind regards,

Magdalena Polak July 14, 2022

1. Google Chrome Version 103.0.5060.114 (Official Build) (x86_64)

2. macOS Monterey 12.4

3. They cannot reproduce it

I was thinking about reinstalling Chrome but it's managed by my organisation so I cannot do it.


How do you set this 'data-is-fullscreen' flag? Maybe this can give us some hints how to resolve it?

Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 15, 2022

Hi Magdalena,

I talked with another engineer and there is a button to expand and collapse this sidebar in the Pipelines log. If you collapse it, the setting is saved for any Pipelines build of that repository.

Can you open a Pipelines build of this repo in Chrome, hover over the Pipeline log, and you should be able to see 3 buttons at the bottom right corner of the Pipelines log:

Screenshot 2022-07-15 at 15.32.08.png

If you hover over the third button, you should see the word Collapse. Can you select that and see if that solves the issue for this repo?

Kind regards,

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Magdalena Polak July 17, 2022

Hi, that's it!

I have not seen these buttons :D and must have clicked expand button before by mistake.  

That's what I was looking for. Not the best UX in my opinion, as we spent so much time for it (I tried to expand the sidebar by looking at the top left part of the page, that's where I would expect it to be).


Thank you and best regards,

M. Polak

Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 19, 2022

Hi Magdalena,

You are very welcome. I understand the confusion, I missed that as well. I will pass on your feedback to my team.

Please feel free to reach out if you ever need anything else!

Kind regards,

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