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How to tell self hosted Windows pipeline runner to skip the cleanup routine of a build step

Video Guy June 29, 2022

I am troubleshooting a git issue with self hosted runner on windows. I feel it is lot easier if the runner leaves behind cloned dir as it is instead of cleaning it up.


Wondering if there is any YML directive or some other setting to tell runner to disable cleanup step.



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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 30, 2022


At the end of each step in a pipeline, the runner automatically cleans up build directories (folders) before running the next step. If the runner can’t perform this cleanup, it will enter an Unhealthy state and this can prevent Pipelines from being able to execute.

For this reason, I am unaware if it is possible to disable the clean-up step on a build within runners as this would not be recommended.

We have documentation outlining how to check the log files for Windows Runners available at the following link - this way you can check to see any errors which are encountered during the build: 

I have reached out to our developers accordingly to see if/how this can be configured and will get back to you once I hear from them.


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 30, 2022

Hi again,

I've been informed that this is not possible - however, some ideas for a workaround are:

  • Add a "sleep" command in the script to give you sufficient time to navigate to the folder and copy it manually to another location
  • If the runner enters "UNHEALTHY" state, simply restart the runner which should bring it back online 

Hope this helps.


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

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