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Custom Filed and JQL

Garden16_ May 23, 2022

I have  created  a custom field named  stories using script runner fields  which uses JQL to  query the stories with in  the Project.

Here is the Query

issuetype in ( "Story") AND project = "Prj A"


If I need to  use the same Custom Filed in another project project , how would I use it. I want the Stories field to display stories related to that particular project only.

I do not want to create sperate custom fields for stories  each project.

Kindly, Help with this. 


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Peter-Dave Sheehan
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May 23, 2022

I'm assuming this is an "Issue picker" type of field you've created via the Scriptrunner fields.

Then you can use the "Configuration Script" portion of the Scripted Field configuration to tell what JQL to user.

Here is the documentation for this feature

This is what you want to add to your config

import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue

getJql = { Issue issue, String configuredJql ->
"""issuetype in ( "Story") AND project = $issue.projectObject.key"""
Garden16_ May 24, 2022

Thank you  so much ! It worked 

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