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Can’t find my repos when logging in to cloud

Jardar April 18, 2022


I’m a long time Bitbucket user, but haven’t accessed the web interface in a good while. Now I’m unable to find my repos, looks like I have lost access to them? I’m able to push and pull via ssh though. Any ideas?



3 answers

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 22, 2022

Hi @Jardar,

Just a heads up, I removed the workspace id from your post to protect your privacy.

Login to Bitbucket Cloud is possible only with the primary email address and not with any of the email aliases. If you get asked to create a new account, this means that there is no Bitbucket Cloud account with that email as a primary one.

I checked in our system the workspace you mentioned, and the user associated with the workspace has a primary email different than the email of your community account. The emails are similar but different.

I suggest logging in to with any other email addresses you own, in order to find the account you are looking for.
If you get asked to create a new account when you try to log in with a certain email, this means that there is no Bitbucket account with that email as the primary.

Kind regards,

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 22, 2022

Hi Theodora,

This helped me find the right account, thank you! At some point, I logged in with a username that was not an email, but this was changed since I logged in last time.



Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 25, 2022

Hi Jardar,

That's good to hear, thank you for the update!

Login with username to the website has been disabled in the last few years, only the email can be used when logging in to the website.

The Bitbucket username should still be used for Git operations via HTTPS (cloning, pulling, pushing, etc) and for Basic Auth with API.

Kind regards,

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G subramanyam
Community Leader
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April 18, 2022

Hi @Jardar welcome to the Atlassian community.

Please be informed, without repo access you can't pull or push the changes. In this case I belive you gave access on repo. It may be cache related or permission related issue. Could you please  check in incognito browser once. If still issue appears then you might either need to connect with repo owner to check the access rights for your ID.

Alternatively, you may reach Atlassian support with error or message screenshots.

Jardar April 18, 2022

Thanks @G subramanyam

The repos I'm pushing to are indeed mine, and I have set up access with ssh-keys. There is, however, some time since I logged into, and things have changed..

I have a workspace called <workspace-id-removed>, and repos have the address like this:<workspace-id-removed>/repo.git

When I logged in with my username, I was asked to create a new workspace, and was not given access to my old one.

I tried to ask Atlassian support, but they directed me here, which I find a bit strange, but thought I would try a post. :D

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