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How can I enable "Delete branch after the pull request is merged" by default?

Zejia Chen March 10, 2022

As title. Setting per repo is enough. I would like to let all pull requests of this repo have this ticked. Our repo is hosted in Bitbucket Cloud. Thanks!

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 11, 2022

Hi @Zejia Chen ,

welcome to the Atlassian community!

Usually, this setup is per user basis. As a user, if you choose to delete branch after merge in repository, on next merge the checkbox will be checked.

Btw, there's an open request to make this setting as default per all users. You can vote and watch this request in order to be updated.

Hope this helps,


Davide Cavestro
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July 13, 2022

Hi @Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_, could you elaborate on

Usually, this setup is per user basis. As a user, if you choose to delete branch after merge in repository, on next merge the checkbox will be checked.

I can't see this memory effect at PR creation time, whle at PR merge time I simply see the value previously set by the proposer on the PR. 

(in the meantime I voted for the feature request you linked)

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Saxea _Flowie_
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April 16, 2024

In Flowie, a Bitbucket cloud app for defining workflows that we provide, you can configure it to always, or depending on a condition, close the source branch, so developers don't even need to worry about this.

Flowie is available via the Atlassian Marketplace.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 31, 2023

It seems that Bitbucket Server includes a setting to automatically delete the branch after merging, but is not included in Bitbucket Cloud.

This was a concern to our development team, so I developed an Open-Source extension for Google Chrome, which you can install from the Chrome Web Store.

I hope it helps!

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