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Access issue through API from postman using username and token.

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March 7, 2022


The problem is-

By mistake- I was trying Email and Personal token as Basic authentication in Postman. I hit the API multiple times, It returned a 401 error. finally, I got a 403 error- "Too many invalid password attempts. Log in at to restore access."

Later I tried to log in with the Website, It worked with SSO Login.

It was not working in Postman which username and personal token.

I tried to revoke and try to do with a New token, Still, it's not working, 401 unauthorized.

Any way to reset or Solve to access from the postman, Appreciated.

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Mark C
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 9, 2022

Hi @mahesh_brillio

Thank you for reaching out to the community.

This is because of the "Too many invalid password attempts" error and it will need some time to refresh your account.
In the meantime, would it be possible for you to use an App password for basic authentication instead?

Let me know how it goes.

Mark C

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 9, 2022

Thanks Mark C for your Response.

Initially, I tried with App Password also, But it got Failed with 401. not sure what I missed.

As you said, Later some time I was trying back, It got Worked with Username and App Password.

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