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Compare various versions of pull request

Alexander Slepnev March 3, 2022

When a code reviewer checks a big Pull Request, a possibility to compare versions of it after updates can decrease check time and make it easier because a reviewer may not look whole pull request twice.
There is an example: a developer creates a pull request, a code reviewer writes some comments, a developer fixes them and should update a pull request. He fixup fixes with a specific commit and force push it (so a pull request will contain a correct count of commits). As a result, a code review can’t check the difference between the pull request versions from the WEB page.

So I think if Bitbucket will contain a such feature, a developer can use any way to update pull requests and a core reviewer can always have a method to compare versions. Stack overflow offers some ways to do it, but you need to know both commit hashes to compare. A very good example of version comparing - is GitLab. It provides a way to do it (link).
Does Bitbucket contain such a feature as in GitLab?

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Norbert C
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 6, 2022

Hi @Alexander Slepnev 

Thank you for contacting Atlassian Community, my name is Norbert and I'm a Bitbucket Cloud Support Engineer, it's nice to meet with you! Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Unfortunately this functionality is not available. 

Currently we have a feature request for adding additional information to account audit log as you can see in the link below:

BCLOUD-19687 - Allow users to render diffs based on different commits on a PR

Our development team will give a first-hand update on that ticket if there's any progress made so I would suggest keeping a watch and vote for it.

Do note however that there's no ETA on enhancement request, and all enhancements are implemented with this policy in mind: Implementation of New Features Policy

Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Best Regards,
Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud Support

Alexander Slepnev March 7, 2022

Hi @Norbert C !
Thank you for the information, It's sad that this functionality is not available, but I will wait the update of the attached request.

Norbert C
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 9, 2022

Hi Alexander,

You're welcome for the information. Yes, unfortunately this functionality is not available yet, but our team is working on it.

Have a great day!

Best Regards,
Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud Support

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