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How to turn off deployment concurrency control when using multiple runners to build dev branches

Chris Bauer
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February 11, 2022

I want to turn off deployment concurrency control (the pipeline pause) for our developer branches.

I am a company

I want my developer's individual commits to build simultaneously on multiple self-hosted runners

So that there is no resource contention when I employ more than one developer

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Ankit Gupta February 12, 2022

Hi Christopher,

If your developers are working on individual developer branches the pipelines would continue to build separately/concurrently.

However, if they are committing to a common `development` branch, then the concurrent builds are paused. The support page doesn't mentioned any setting to disable this. This is probably done to prevent multiple deployments to the same environment, so it's more of a safeguard against race conditions.

Chris Bauer
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 14, 2022

We were using deployment: Development in order to substitute environment variables so the build would correctly substitute these values in artifacts. Doing some yaml-foo and removing the deployment from the build step and adding it to the step for develop only allowed us to do multiple simultaneous builds. Thank you.

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