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How to specify when to open an alert

Alisson Bertochi January 5, 2022

Hi! I have an integration with SNS (that receive events from AWS EventBridge), and I would like to open alerts only when there are some member in a Rotation (on-call), it means, out of the working time (from 9am to 6pm). Is it possible to configure that way?

Thanks community!

2 answers

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Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 5, 2022

Hi @Alisson Bertochi ,

It isn't possible to not have alerts created during certain hours, since integrations cannot be restricted to time intervals. There are a few workarounds customers with use though.

Notification policies can be used to delay / suppress notifications during certain days, times, etc.:



Or a routing rule can be configured to send alerts to No-one during certain days, times, etc.: 


Alisson Bertochi January 5, 2022

Great Nick, I think it solve the problem! Thanks! :)

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Muhammad Fahad
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 5, 2022

Hi @Alisson Bertochi - welcome to the Atlassian community.

You can follow this guide to configure an on-call schedule with business and off-hours.

Thank you

Alisson Bertochi January 5, 2022

Hi Muhammad.

In the case of your link, alerts will continue to be created/opened. I would like a way to not open alerts during working hours, is it possible?


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