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Cannot access Bitbucket after logging into Atlassian Start Page

Alex Kenny December 13, 2021

Hello all,

I am trying to access Bitbucket from a fresh install of Chrome on a new mac. When I log in with my Atlassian account, I can get to the start page and access all of that content. Yet when I click on Bitbucket and try to open it up in a new page, I get another log in prompt at the top of the screen and when I use my credentials for Atlassian, it either won't work or it redirects me to a page with the following text: "You may run into this issue when you use specific browsers or add-ons that hide the referer header for and other Atlassian sites. Check for these and then try logging in again." 

I have cleared both the cookies and cache several times to no avail. I have also changed my password multiple times thinking that was the problem but it wasn't.

Has anyone else gotten this before and found a solution? Thank you for reading this and trying to help me out!

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Norbert C
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 13, 2021

Hi Alex,

Thank you for contacting Atlassian Community! I'm Norbert from Bitbucket Cloud Support, it's nice to meet you! Also, welcome to the Atlassian Community :)

When I reviewed your account, I could see is that it was in a "dormant" state as you haven't logged in to this account for a while. I'd like to inform you that I've reactivated your accont.

Can you let me know whether if you can access your account?

I'm looking forward to hear from you, Alex.

Have a great day ahead!

Best Regards,
Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud Support

Alex Kenny December 14, 2021

Hi Norbert,

Yes that worked, thank you so much!


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