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I cannot see any details from a Project level view

DiAnna Wages September 22, 2021

We have multiple projects in Jira that we report status on from a project level. When we view these company-based projects in our Adv Roadmaps Plan, we can only see details on epics or lower. Nothing seems to roll up to the project level. Is there a way to view this information at a project level?



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Jacob Vu
Rising Star
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September 22, 2021

Hi @DiAnna Wages

Some good answers here but wanted to add another voice to the conversation.

Since you're already using Advanced Roadmaps, you have the ability to create 'Initiatives', which is at a level higher than an Epic.

In Advanced Roadmaps, you can create Plans, but I'd suggest using the Program feature as well. Create plans for each project and combine them into a Program, that way you'll be able to see all of your work in each project in a project-based view.

Hope this makes sense and helps.


DiAnna Wages September 23, 2021

Hi Jacob,

We did create a single plan that lists out all our projects. Creating a Program is not something I'm familiar with, but sounds promising. Can you point me to a reference on how to create a Program? I'm not finding it as an option on the Advanced Roadmaps view.



Joe Lagana-Jackson September 23, 2021

I believe the Program feature is only available on Server or Data Center.

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Joe Lagana-Jackson September 22, 2021

One suggestion here would be to create a new issue type called Project and create a custom hierarchy in Advanced Roadmaps.  You would then associate all epics to each relevant project, and then you could see the roll up.

DiAnna Wages September 23, 2021

Hi Joe,

Thanks for this suggestion. We did make the change and this helped, but did not give us completely what we're looking for. Still tweaking though!




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Curt Holley
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September 22, 2021

Hi @DiAnna Wages 

So, what is the hierarchy that you have in place?

Do all of these projects have Initiatives (or the like) set-up in them? or are the higher (than Epic) level/s centrally contained in another project?

What are the issue sources used in this plan? Whole projects, boards or filters? are the higher level issues you are seeking within those issue sources??

Finally, but most basically, How is the "From" and "To" configured in the plan/view? as if like mine below, then nothing above "Feature (Jira Epic) will be displayed until a change the "From" to filter them back in.

Screenshot 2021-09-23 082156.png

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Suvarna Gaikwad
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September 23, 2021

@DiAnna Wages Change your plan view from Basic to Top level planning. It helped in our case.

There are cases where stakeholders are only interested in top level view and not keen to see details which Basic view offers. Basic view is useful for Scrum masters and PMs though.

P.S. Multiple views of same plan can be saved for different audiences.

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