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Pushing commits to master via SourceTree, on Windows machine, not recognised on master.

Marcus Cattanach
I'm New Here
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March 8, 2021


First of all, I am relatively new to version control, so I hope I am describing my issues below correctly, sorry if I am not. 

I am working off two machines, one Mac and the other Windows. I have used the Windows machine to push changes to my master repo with the use of SourceTree. For some reason the changes are not getting recognised by my master repo and therefore when I shift to using the Mac there is nothing to pull. This issue has only just become evident recently and up until now, I have had no problem. 

The reason I have to shift between machines is that I am sharing my wife's Mac with her, and when she working, I have to use the Widows machine. 

Thanks in advance, 






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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 9, 2021

Hi @Marcus Cattanach , welcome to the Community!

With git, it's possible to commit to the local master/main branch without pushing to remote/origin. I'd first recommend checking in Sourcetree on the Windows machine to see if you see your latest commits when clicking through the sidebar to select Remotes > origin > master.

From there, I'd suggest looking at your repository in the web interface at - if you don't see the latest commits there, they didn't push.

Finally, you can try a Fetch on the Mac. This should load all the information from so if things did get out of sync somehow, the latest commits will be available before you do the pull operation.

By going through those three items one at a time, it should narrow down where things are getting stuck. Let me know at what point things have stopped looking right at and we can troubleshoot further!


Marcus Cattanach
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 10, 2021

Thanks for taking the time to answer my query Daniel. I checked the local repo as compared to the remote and the remote was not updated like the one on local. I therefore just deleted the local repo and cloned it again, from remote, and started again. There wasn't a whole lot of commits on local so it didn't take me a huge amount of time. I did all of the above before I saw your response, sorry I didn't put it to the test. I did have a look at your suggestion to check that the local commits are pushed to the remote, is the following screenshot what you were talking about?Screenshot 2021-03-11 at 07.28.37.png

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