how do you copy a table from one confluence page to another?

Hunter Ralfe January 11, 2021

Hi Guys how do you copy a table from one confluence page to another?

I've tried copying it to word and then to the other confluence page - that didnt work. I have also tried copying one line of the table at a time - that works but then the table is broken up into different rows :(

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Luis Vieira
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July 9, 2021

While edting,  select inside the table from one corner to the oposite one, it should work.

The arrow represents the mouse movement.

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August 5, 2021

Thanks, this works well for me!

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Sandesh Shetty
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January 11, 2021

@Hunter Ralfe 

add dummy text above and below the table, copy (ctrl+c) the text and the table, paste

(ctrl + v), then remove the dummy text from around the pasted table.

kindly accept the answer if it resolves your issue!!

Hunter Ralfe January 11, 2021

it doesnt matter if i use "ctrl v", "ctrl c" or right click copy or paste it still doesnt copy the table over.

Sandesh Shetty
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January 11, 2021

@Hunter Ralfe 

yes it doesn't matter if you use "ctrl v", "ctrl c" or right click copy or paste. if you have the texts around the table then it will work. 


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Hunter Ralfe January 11, 2021

Hi Sandesh, thanks, I tried that too (put a row of x's at the beginning and end) sadly it didn't help either :( 

I also tried doing it in firefox instead of chrome - that didnt help either

Migs Narvasa
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July 18, 2021

@Sandesh Shetty it worked! Thank you!

Zelda Olentia
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December 1, 2021

This worked for me - be sure to select text before and after the table - that's what made it work for me. 

Lisa Paterson
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January 16, 2022

Does it seem like if the text is complex it doesn't work?  I can't get it to work.  from excel to the table I can get it to work when the data is simple:  123445454 or connected/together.   But not if I am trying to paste this:   do this and you will get one of the following 1) X 2) y etc. 

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January 11, 2021

Hi ,

Go to source page.

Without editing the page. copy the entire table with headers.

and paste on new destination page.

I tried the same , the output is like the below.


Hunter Ralfe January 11, 2021

my version is the new confluence were the tables dont display like the above tables. If you select the table it puts a boarder around it and if you click the top left corner you can select and copy the table.

I can copy the table into word but not to another confluence page

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Hunter Ralfe January 11, 2021

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