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How to link multiple epics ? Does JIRA have a theme / feature concept?

Satyajit Baral September 19, 2020

How to link multiple epics? Does JIRA have a theme/feature concept?


I am trying to link multiple epics into one to keep track of the progress! Please help. 

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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September 20, 2020

@Satyajit Baral - As stated by the Atlassian team, I am sure that you already know that a child (i.e. one EPIC) can only have one parent/One parent can have multiple children (Jira) - For example 

Initiative A (created using Advanced Roadmap hierarchy setup)

EPIC A (rolled up to Initiative A - Single Parent)

EPIC B (rolled up to Initiative A - Single Parent)

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications

Viasat Inc.

Satyajit Baral September 20, 2020

Please see the attached picture. I did an epic to epic link. One Epic as a parent and then other epics as child. There is no concept of Initiative in Jira, right?

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Satyajit Baral September 20, 2020

Capture JIRA.PNG

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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September 20, 2020

@Satyajit Baral Theme in Plan only resides in the Plan and not available in Jira.  You need to use Advanced Road map to create the Initiative issue type via the Issue Hierarchy function to roll-up your EPICs to the parent.  See - 

Jira through Advanced Roadmap gives you the ability to create higher hierarchy above EPICs.  Out of the box in Jira, there is no Initiative configuration for Epic.  Epic is the highest level.  Again, you can use Advanced Roadmap functionality to create the hierarchy .

What you have done is using link issues to linked your EPICs to your new EPIC issue.  It is not a roll-up.   It is not a true parent to child relationship. This type of operation will not be displayed in your Plan. 

If you don't want to create the Hierarchy (added an new issue type to serve as a parent of EPIC), then you can also just create (i.e. Component) to group multiple EPICs by assigning the component to all of your specific EPICs. 

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph

Satyajit Baral September 20, 2020

Thank you, I created the "initiative" and mapped to each projects under issue type. But neither able to map to epic nor able to create an jira 2.PNGissue in Roadmap. 

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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September 20, 2020

@Satyajit Baral - So you created the hierachy right?  Initiative issue type to be the parent of Epic?  Your problem is that in your plan, the Hierarchy is set to Epic to Epic, change it Initiative to Epic, so you can create Initiative.  To associate your Epics to Initiatives (after it is created) in your plan, you need to expose the "Parent" column in your plan, then you can see the Initiative show-up automatically in the dropdown.

Best, Joseph 

Example - 






Example Hierarchy Configuration -



Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph

Satyajit Baral September 20, 2020

Thank you so much! Now I am able to map in my portfolio view. 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 19, 2020

Hi @Satyajit Baral

With Advanced Roadmaps (which is a part of Jira Premium) you get the ability to add additional hierarchy levels above epic so it would be possible to have a higher level issue type with multiple Epics linked as children. This is only available with Advanced Roadmaps though so you would either need Jira Premium (on Cloud) or to purchase the Advanced Roadmaps application from the Marketplace (for Server / DC)



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Patrick Melo September 16, 2021

Just allow us to put labels on the same line as the subject in the backlog so that we don't have to make each ticket double height in the back log.
It's 2021.  Categories are dead. Long live labels!

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