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Can I disable workspaces and projects?

Viv June 11, 2020

So, really, can I once and for all disable all those workspaces and projects and just have my repos under my username, not grouped, not stacked, not anything but just as it used to be? :)


Honestly tired of seeing (and constantly filling in) this information I never asked for.


Thank you :).

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Tyler T
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 12, 2020

Every user has a default workspace and default project in that workspace. If you are creating new repositories, you can simply use the default workspace + project and never have to configure any additional workspaces or projects ever again. The default workspace has the same ID as your username, so in that sense not much has changed.

Viv June 12, 2020

> If you are creating new repositories, you can simply use the default workspace + project


Well, it's not that way: the workspace is prefilled indeed, but the project (and I only have one of those, Untitled project created by Bitbucket) is not, and I still have to choose it every time from the list.


Not that I understand WHY my very different repos should be combined in some ugly and pointless project.


Also, while browsing your Workspaces FAQ, I noticed the following:


> we decided that users should not own content


WAT? Pardon my ignorance but who then owns my very own content?

Tyler T
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 12, 2020

Thanks for the reply. I will let the team know that pre-filling the project would be a helpful improvement.

Regarding content ownership, that FAQ explains that the change was prompted by new GDPR privacy rules. "Should not own" means that you can create a repository and your username is not visible in the URL, which protects your privacy. In that sense, users like you and I can "own" and administer workspaces which we can name anything we want, rather than "owning" repositories directly.

Viv June 12, 2020

OK, thanks.

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