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Deploying with Bamboo onDemand, is it possible?

carlos benitez October 9, 2012


I am using Bamboo onDemand. I have a build plan to compile and test my project. I would like to deploy it after that, so I created a new step. I clicked the "add task" button and a popup showed up, with all the possible tasks that I can create. There are several task categories: Builder, Tests, Source Control, and all of them have different options to choose, but Deployment don't have any option.

Should I configure something in order to create deployment tasks?

It must be possible because other people can do it, but if it's a mistake and it is not possible, maybe
the onDemand restrinctions page should be updated...

Thank you for your help.

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James Dumay
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 10, 2012

Hi Carlos,

I know its misleading, but the Deployments categeory is empty because we don't have any Tasks availabe specifically for deployment on Bamboo OnDemand yet (When we add the latest in development release to Bamboo in the next few months, we will have SCP and Tomcat Tasks).

You can use a Script task to call out to any tool you want. For example, you could use a script Task to execute scp and upload files to a web server.

Where do you want to deploy to? What kind of project are you building?


carlos benitez October 10, 2012

Thank you, James.

I want to deploy a war file into Tomcat, preferably in the same elastic instance where the project is built. Is that possible using the default EBS images or should I configure a new one?

James Dumay
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 11, 2012

You could create your own EBS snapshot that contains a script that sets up Tomcat when the instance starts.

Out of curiocity, why do you want it on the same instance as the agent? If Bamboo shuts down while the instance is running or you shut down the agent in the Elastic Bamboo administration your tomcat server will be shut down too.

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