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Is it possible to restrict pushing Git tags to certain users in a Bitbucket repo?

dcopestake February 3, 2015

I've had a few instances where developers have pushed tags accidentally/in error. After this point it's really difficult to get rid of them in a big team as - once they're on the remote - they tend to keep reappearing even if they're deleted as other developers end up with them in their local repos.

It would be amazing if it was possible to restrict who had permission to push tags to a Bitbucket hosted Git repo in the first place. It feels as if it should be possible given that I guess it could be achieved in a pre-receive hook, similarly to how I imagine the branch permissions are implemented?

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John Garcia
Rising Star
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February 3, 2015

We do not offer this feature now, but we're always accepting Proposals at

4 votes
Ben Morris
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March 13, 2020

Can anyone advise me on this. I have tried using the above documentation. If I set branch permissions to refs/tags/* or just tags/* and make sure I don't select any users (nobody has write access) it still lets me push new tags. Does anyone else experience this?

Presumably this is because, like branches, it does not affect creating new ones, it only affects changing existing ones.

Dave Cavell March 11, 2021

I get the same.

Shawn Chen
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June 1, 2021

Is there any update to this?

Merlin Dienst
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November 9, 2022

I dont understand it. Branch-Restrictions with wildcards work without problems, tag restrictions dont?

1 vote
Patrick Nelson November 1, 2019

For what it's worth, it appears that this is now possible. According to this documentation

Using branch permissions, add the following branch permission pattern:


Restrict it to an admin account so that no other users can push tags.

Patrick Nelson November 1, 2019

p.s. @John Garcia my first attempt at posting this comment resulted in JavaScript console errors; I think because it contained HTML from copying from the documentation page. Something I didn't realize until posting a partial comment so I could get the full comment in via editing (on the dedicated edit page) which then finally surfaced the error message. Bug on your end? See below.



0 votes
dcopestake February 5, 2015

Thanks @John Garcia [Atlassian]. I've raised it.

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