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How to update Bamboo Cloud licence?

jakubk September 7, 2015

It might look like a trivial question, but I just cannot figure it out. We are using Bamboo Cloud for 10$/month which is limited to 10 jobs. Now we need more jobs, so we want to upgrade the licence to the one for 50$/month. The problem is that we didn't find the UI to upgrade the licence. I tried searching the documentation, clicking through UI and still no success. Can you please give me instructions how to upgrade licence of the Bamboo Cloud?

Recently a big yellow message on top of the Bamboo UI showed up saying something like "Your builds are disabled because you have more jobs than your licence allows. Upgrade your licence here (link)". Unfortunately after clicking the link, an "Access denied" message was shown even though we were logged as an admin for sure. Now the yellow message is gone..


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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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September 7, 2015

The credentials it is asking for is the credentials of, not Bamboo itself. You can also manage your account, including the license upgrade, at

Note that if you purchased your license through a reseller, you will have to request them for the upgrade. Any billing contact for your license can do the upgrade.

jakubk September 7, 2015

Thanks for the answer. I can see the list of products at, but still cannot find a way how to upgrade the licence. :( Here is the screenshot from I guess even though I thought I am logged in as an administrator, I am not? Due to the message highlighted in red?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 8, 2015

Hi Jakub, The site administrator here is user in the 'site-admins' group who have access the new user management and billing sections of your Atlassian Cloud site. You can see more details on that here: The above link should also contain instructions on how to proceed in getting your account configured with the right permissions. Please let us know if we can assist further! Thanks, Turner

Jakub Kadlubiec
I'm New Here
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September 16, 2015

Hi Turner and thanks for your answer. However, we are still out of luck and cannot upgrade the license.. It is getting a little bit ridiculous to be honest... I am logged in as a user in site-admins group, but still seeing the message. The UI is so confusing, there is a UI for managing users in JIRA administration and then there is another place ( where you need to login separately and manage some other things.. Do you have any idea what else can be wrong? Thanks, Jakub

Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 16, 2015

Hi Jakub, My apologies for the frustration! At this point I'm unsure if you have proper access on your account level to go ahead and upgrade that license. If you wouldn't mind creating a ticket at I'd be happy to take a look and take a peak that account information. I'll get you all the info you need to upgrade or get you in touch with our Customer Advocates team who can most definitely take care of that for you. Thanks for your patience and again apologies for the frustration! Cheers, Turner

jakubk September 16, 2015

Hi Turner, Actually, I've created a ticket at before reading your answer. Is it OK or should I create another one at Thanks, Jakub

Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 16, 2015

I've found the ticket you've created in our system and will provide update there. Thanks much! Turner

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