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Can't delete old chat session in HipChat server

Luca Edler July 31, 2019

Hi there,

we're using HipChat onprem in our company and there is this problem that users are shown as 'available' even when they're logged out. My account got that issue too.

So I googled and learned that this could have something to do with multiple, old chat sessions. So I looked and in fact, there is an old chat session.

Now the problem is, that I can't delete it! Everytime I click 'Disconnect' and 'OK', the message 'Session disconnected.' appears but in fact nothing happens. The session is still there.

FYI I got admin rights.


Do you know what to do?

Best regards


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David Maye
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 2, 2019

Hi Luca,

This issue you described looks like it's related to a bug in an older version - HCPUB-3734: Hipchat Server: Cannot disconnect my stale chat sessions. This bug should be fixed in HipChat Server 2.4.0 and newer.

The workaround involves the process of clearing the Redis session of the affected user, which I've detailed those steps below:

  1. Ensure that the affected user logs out from all clients.
  2. Log into the HipChat Server CLI.
  3. Locate the affected user ID:
    DBPASS=$(awk '/"pass"/ {gsub(/[",]/,"");print $2}' /hipchat/config/site.json) && mysql -uroot -p$DBPASS hipchat -e "SELECT id,email FROM users WHERE email LIKE '';"
    Replace with the affected users email address.
  4. Once ran, copy the user-id.
  5. Next, remove all user sessions keys from Redis (cache), substituting the <user_id> placeholder with the actual user-id:
    for key in `redis-cli KEYS '*' | grep -iE "session|^mobile:" | grep -w <user_id> | cut -d" " -f2`; do echo "Deleting $key"; redis-cli DEL $key; done
  6. Confirm in the UI that all sessions have been deleted.
  7. Log into the client and you're done.

Ideally, upgrading to the latest version (2.4.3) should fix this globally (Upgrading HipChat Server).

Good luck!

HipChat Server/Data Center Premier Support Engineer II | Atlassian

Luca Edler August 22, 2019

Thanks for your reply,

your solutions seems to may fit, we got an old version of hipchat server running. But because we're going to change our entire chat-solution, I will not upgrade. Just if  there would have been an easy fix, I would've fixed it. ;)

Kind regards,


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sienna amelia
I'm New Here
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October 29, 2019

I have a doubt regarding chat storage?

Incase of Server-side storage database, so you can delete the history on your side. but you can't delete the message in both sides

If database client-side storage means we can delete the message on both sides. ex: Instagram chat  

Am I right? Please correct me if I'm wrong

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