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is there a problem with the bitbucket website?

andrewbutterfield February 10, 2013

I push and pull to/from bitbucket using SourceTree (Mac) and TortoiseHg (Win 8) - these work fine.

But on the Dashboard on my account at I don't see any updates to my repo more recent that those about 12 hours ago.

I pushed from my Mac and pulled to my Win8 machine about 2 hours ago (11am GMT Feb 11th), and that worked fine, but I can't see it on

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 10, 2013


We performed som maintenance yesterday on the newsfeed. Some items may be missing as a result. This is purely informational and your data is stored and maintained 100% independently of the newsfeed. To see the status of Bitbucket, you can always visit

andrewbutterfield February 10, 2013

Thanks for that - I don't normally work/commit much on a Sunday, but it was just one of those weekends....

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