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how to delete repo link in Jira project

Allen Curtis
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January 18, 2018


I either need to edit the link to a Bitbucket created in a Jira project or delete the links I created and make new ones. How do you edit and/or delete a repo link item in a Jira project?


6 answers

4 votes
Ethan Gibson
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April 10, 2019

In next-gen projects, you click the "sync" button beside the repo link on the sidebar which gives you the "Start syncing" and "edit repo" buttons. Clicking edit repo lets you change details or remove it altogether. Not the best UI choices there... it took me awhile to figure that out. "Sync" does not logically make be think that clicking it will allow me to edit the repo.

Hernani Guerra
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July 9, 2019

It also works on the "classic" projects.

1. Press "Sync"

press sync.png

2. Edit repository


3. Delete


4 votes
Pierre Herman October 17, 2018

This is sooooo anoying!!!!

Atlassian keeps changing the menus almost on a daily basis... It invalidates all the tutorials and makes every single task a pain in the neck.

I have entered an invalid bitbucket repository URL and it is listed as a repository even tho it is not valid... Now looking for a solution to delete it... Painful! None of the tutorials or help found are valid.

Tony Vlcek December 15, 2018

Yep, right now I'm essentially in the same position as you are. I'll post here if I find a way around this.

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Carlos Ruiz
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January 21, 2021

Today finally I was able to do it removing the DVCS connection in the URL:

... secure/admin/ConfigureDvcsOrganizations!default.jspa#

0 votes
bs-thomas August 30, 2018

I have the same problem here.

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Vedu Hariths
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June 9, 2018


I am not being able to see any way of editing the repository link. 

I can only view my integration 

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Domenico Manzo _Actonic_
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January 18, 2018

If you are using JIRA Cloud:

1. Go to Project Settings -> Development tools

2. Edit the repository settings

2018-01-19 10_10_34-Project Test - Development tools - JIRA.png

AnMarie Bozick
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April 9, 2020

I don't see a way to edit the repository settings.  I can edit permissions and I can connect.

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